Blog / Smartsheet vs ClickUp: Choose the Perfect Tool for Successful Project Delivery

Smartsheet vs ClickUp: Choose the Perfect Tool for Successful Project Delivery

Smartsheet vs ClickUp Choose the Perfect Tool for Successful Project Delivery

Successful project delivery is of paramount importance as it directly impacts the overall productivity and efficiency of an organization. It involves completing the project on time, within budget, and according to the predefined quality standards. It can be ensured with clear objectives, effective communication, risk management, effective resource allocation and conducting regular process reviews. Market has a wide range of project management tools which are designed to aid successful project delivery. With the dynamic nature of projects, as they belong to different industries, managers or team owners should select the right project management tool by identifying their business nature, team’s unique needs and working style.

In this blog, we will delve into a detailed feature comparison of two powerful tools, Smartsheet and ClickUp. Our aim is to provide you with a clear understanding of how each can facilitate successful project delivery, helping you make an informed decision for your project management needs.

Introduction: Smartsheet vs ClickUp

Smartsheet, a cloud-based software as a service application, is designed to assign tasks, track project progress, manage calendars, and share documents. It’s known for its spreadsheet-like interface combined with file sharing, Gantt charts, and work automation features. Its flexibility makes it suitable for individual projects and large-scale initiatives.

On the other hand, ClickUp is a cloud-based collaboration and project management tool suitable for businesses of all sizes and industries. Known for its user-friendly interface and feature-rich environment, ClickUp provides task assignments and scheduling, alerts, goal setting, and more. It positions itself as an all-in-one platform to centralize your team’s work and workflow.

Key Feature Comparison: Smartsheet and ClickUp

Smartsheet and ClickUp are both powerful project management and collaboration tools, but they have some differences in their key features. Here’s a comparison of their key features:





Spreadsheet-like, familiar & easy to learn

Customizable, multiple views (List, Board, Gantt, Calendar)

Project Planning & Scheduling

Strong, with tasks, dependencies, milestones, critical paths

Robust, with additional features like custom fields & goals


Real-time updates, discussions, file sharing, task assignments

Extensive, with chat, commenting, document sharing, white boarding, mentions

Gantt Charts & Reporting

Available, with basic reporting tools

Advanced, with customizable dashboards & detailed reports


Can automate recurring tasks

Powerful automation engine with AI-powered suggestions


Integrates with popular tools

Huge library of 1,000+ integrations


Adapts to growing teams & complex projects

Highly scalable for large teams & enterprises

Free Plan

Limited functionality for 1 user & 2 editors

Generous free plan with unlimited users & basic features

Next, let’s delve into a comprehensive analysis of each platform’s capabilities, categorized according to core project management areas crucial for ensuring successful project delivery.

Project Planning and Task Management

We can create a familiar scenario to see how Smartsheet and ClickUp offers features for planning a project. Let’s imagine planning a website launch with each tool:

Planning & Task Setup: Smartsheet vs ClickUp

With Smartsheet:

  • Spreadsheet Savvy: You will craft a spreadsheet with tasks like “Write content”, “Homepage Design,” “Blog Post Creation,” and “Mobile Testing.”
  • Simple Scheduling: You will set basic dependencies (i.e. content before design) and visualize progress with a clear, linear Gantt chart.
  • Collaborative Comments: For collaboration your team will be involve by commenting on individual tasks within the sheet.

Whereas by using ClickUp:

  • Workspaces and Lists: You will create a dynamic workspace with dedicated lists for “Content”, “Design”, and “Development”, breaking each phase into manageable chunks. Each list progress tracking will be done by creating custom task statuses visually on Kanban boards.
  • Granular Control: For each task (e.g., “Blog post for landing page”) you can set multiple assignees, due dates, custom priority levels (“Must-have” vs. “Nice-to-have”), and detailed progress tracking tools like burn-down charts.
  • Collaboration Hub: Utilize threaded comments, document sharing, and real-time notifications to keep everyone on the same page and actively engaged.

Launching Features: Smartsheet vs ClickUp

With Smartsheet, you can launch you project management as follows:

  • Milestone Markers: Highlight key deadlines like “Content Finalized” and “Beta Launch” to keep everyone focused.
  • Conditional Formatting: Visually identify critical tasks nearing deadlines with color-coded cells.
  • Formulas & Automations: Simplify repetitive tasks with basic formulas (e.g., calculate word count) and limited automation options.

And with ClickUp:

  • Interactive Gantt chart: Drag-and-drop tasks to adjust the launch timeline visually, ensuring a smooth flow.
  • Custom Dashboards: Track launch progress with real-time data on tasks completed, content approved, and potential roadblocks.
  • Powerful Automations: Automate tasks like sending reminder emails for approvals, notifying designers about content updates, and triggering launch activities when ready.

Resource Management and Workload Distribution



In order to build a strong team, Smartsheet provides an efficient ‘Resource Management’ solution to managers and executives to build a strong team.

Following are list of features:

  • People Page: A single view for all the people in your organization. It offers to schedule and allocate work on the basis of discipline, role, language and location.
  • People Schedule: You will be able to see team member’s availability, their assigned work. This will allow you to plan for work allocation.
  • Allocation heat-map: Team’s capacity will show overbooked or under-utilized resources, to help you create workload balance among team members.
  • Project Staffing plan: For each project running in your organization, this will give you a quick look into the scheduled resources and project progress tracking.
  • One-Click timesheet: Your team will be able to submit hours to track time on projects.
  • Real-time Analytics: This will help you to monitor staffing needs across all projects
  • Time tracking: This feature will enable your team to track time against each task to analyse scheduled versus actual hours spent.
  • Utilization trends: You will be able to view team’s utilization trends for better planning in future about hiring and launching new projects.

Resource Management in SmartSheet

                      Resource Management in Smartsheet (Image Credit: SmartSheet


On the other hand, ClickUp provides ‘customizable’ resource management templates to give project managers a quick start to manage resources and distribute workload.

Here are few highlighted features that can be customized and significantly utilized for resource workload management:

  • Timeline Views: Acting as a visual ‘Roadmaps’, you can plan and track work by setting priorities and schedules for each task in a list.
  • Workload View: Project managers can set and track resource utilization and evenly distributing workload according to team’s work capacity
  • Team View: Ideal to measure workload and capacity of each team per project by looking at progress every member is making.
  • Formula Builder: This feature bring customized metrics with the help of custom fields, to display progress on dashboards in real-time i.e. resource utilization rate
  • Dashboards Real-Time Reporting: Visualize resource consumption, availability and demand on customized dashboards
  • Automation: Automated alerts can be generated ahead of time for events like resource over-utilization, risk of resource storage etc.

Resource Management in Clickup

                               Resource Management in ClickUp (Image credit: ClickUp)

Platform Extensibility with Integration

Both platforms Smartsheet vs ClickUp have strong integration capabilities. Smartsheet boasts a robust integration capability with native support for 100 third-party applications and add-ons, extending its reach to 1000+ through the automation tool, Zapier.

ClickUp stands out with its connectivity, offering over 50 native integrations with popular third-party applications and add-ons such as GitHub, WebHooks, Google Drive, Dropbox, Hubspot, and Microsoft Teams. Its integration potential is further amplified with the ability to link with an additional 1,000 apps via Zapier.

Let’s have a detailed analysis of integration ability of each tool:

Smartsheet Integration and Ecosystem:

Smartsheet, a versatile project management application, offers a wide range of integrations with third-party tools, enhancing its flexibility, especially for users outside the Microsoft ecosystem.

Third-Party Tool Integration:

These integrations include:

  • Cloud Storage Solutions: Smartsheet integrates with Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box, providing ample options for cloud storage.
  • Collaboration Platforms: It supports collaboration platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams, facilitating seamless team communication.
  • Salesforce and Marketing Automation Tools: Smartsheet is compatible with Salesforce and Marketo, aiding in sales and marketing automation.
  • Business Intelligence Tools: It also integrates with business intelligence tools such as Tableau and Power BI, enabling data-driven decision making.

For organizations with unique integration requirements, Smartsheet provides a developer API for custom integrations and application development.

Work Management Suit Integration:

In addition to these integrations, Smartsheet Inc. offers a suite of work management products that seamlessly integrate with the Smartsheet app, thereby boosting efficiency and security.

These include:

  • Bridge: A tool for constructing intelligent workflows.
  • Brandfolder: A solution for managing digital assets.
  • WorkApps: An application designed to streamline work processes and simplify collaboration.
  • Control Center: A tool for consistently automating project portfolio management.
  • DataMesh: A feature that prevents duplicate data entry and maps data between large sheets and reports.
  • Resource Management: A tool for tracking projects, budgeting, and allocating resources.

These integrations and tools form the Smartsheet ecosystem, designed to enhance project management efficiency and security.

ClickUp Integration Abilities

ClickUp’s deep integration capabilities, robust automation features, and developer-friendly tools allow you to create a truly customized and efficient workflow.

  • Third-Party Integrations: ClickUp supports a wide array of third-party integrations, including popular tools like Slack, Google Drive, and GitHub.
  • Open API: For advanced users, the platform offers RESTful API, GraphQL, enabling users to build custom integrations.
  • Two-Way Sync: Bidirectional syncing capabilities with external applications like Calendar integrations, email syncing. This ensures data consistency and real-time updates.
  • Workflow Automation: ClickUp automations streamline workflows by integrating various tools and triggering actions based on predefined conditions.
  • Custom Fields: Create custom fields for specific needs and integrate them with external data sources through the API to create extended reports.

For more comparative insights there is an interesting article on Smartsheet vs ClickUp published by

Security and Data Privacy

Smartsheet, a platform with enterprise-grade security standards, offers robust data protection through a variety of measures. Key security features such as two-factor authentication (2FA), single sign-on (SSO), AES 256-bit encryption, and secure data centers underscore Smartsheet’s dedication to user data safety. Compliance with major regulatory frameworks like HIPAA, GDPR, ISO, SOC, ITAR, and FERPA further enhances its security credentials.

In contrast, ClickUp prioritizes data privacy and protection by employing industry-standard encryption methods. It uses TLS/SSL for secure data transfer and disk-level encryption for data storage. Adherence to personal data privacy standards like GDPR and HIPAA is a testament to its commitment to user privacy. Hosted entirely on Amazon Web Services (AWS), ClickUp benefits from a comprehensive suite of built-in security and privacy features.

Cost Structure

Smartsheet offers 30 days trial period with following price plans (Smartsheet):

  • Free: $0 – 1 user and up to 2 editors
  • Pro: $7/user/month, billed yearly – For teams that want to track, share, and manage projects with unlimited viewers.
  • Business: $25/user/month, billed yearly – For businesses that want to manage projects and programs with unlimited free editors.
  • Enterprise: Contact Sales – Suitable for scaled businesses

ClickUp following price plans(ClickUp):

  • Free: $0 – For small teams, but with limited storage, permissions and spaces
  • Unlimited: $7/user/month – For midsized teams with essential project management features
  • Business: $12/user/month – For large teams, advanced automation, integration and reporting features
  • Enterprise: Contact Sales – Advance security at scaled features for enterprises.

Smartsheet vs ClickUp: Comparative Advantages

Choosing between Smartsheet and ClickUp depends on your specific needs and priorities. Here’s a breakdown of their strengths:

Smartsheet Advantages:

  • Spreadsheet-like interface is familiar and easy to learn for Excel users.
  • Strong reporting and analytics will be great for data-driven teams.
  • Enterprise-ready security and compliance can be trusted by large organizations.
  • Comes with separate software solutions to add-on functionality, but with added price, example: Resource Management Solution

ClickUp Advantages:

  • Highly customizable and flexible interface can adapts to various workflows.
  • Offers extensive features with cheaper price plans than Smartsheet.
  • Free forever plan will be ideal for small teams or individual users.
  • Gamification can be added in workflows to motivate team members with engagement scores.


  • Ease of use: Smartsheet has a slight edge with its familiar interface.
  • Pricing: ClickUp offers a free plan, while Smartsheet starts at a higher price.
  • Customer support: Both offer comprehensive support channels.

Elevate Your Business With ITVisionists

Setting up your business workflows effectively can be a game-changer for your business to elevate. It can be the difference between a project’s success and failure. It’s about understanding your business objectives, its unique needs and aligning them with target business goals. If you are looking for the right project management tool for your business and seeking assistance, contact IT Visionists.

At IT Visionists, we don’t just provide guidance, we empower you to make informed decisions. Our tailored support is designed to help you achieve your standard goals, from decision to a successful implementation and execution of business workflows.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of businesses or industries are Smartsheet and ClickUp best suited for?

  • Smartsheet: It is used by businesses of all sizes and across various industries to improve productivity, enhance communication, and achieve project goals efficiently.
  • ClickUp: It would be best for start-ups, small businesses, and freelancers because of its free forever plan.

How do Smartsheet and ClickUp support agile project management?

  • Smartsheet: Smartsheet provides resources to help you select and implement the right Agile methodology for your team.
  • ClickUp: It supports agile teams with features like Kanban boards and Gantt charts.

What training and customer support options do Smartsheet and ClickUp offer?

  • Smartsheet: It offers technical training, advisory, and self-service support. Their global team of support engineers provides industry-leading SLAs to resolve your issues within minutes.
  • ClickUp: It provides customer support via email, chat, and phone support.

What are the system requirements for Smartsheet and ClickUp?

  • Smartsheet: It is a 100% Software as a Service (SaaS) online application compatible with browsers running on PC, Mac, and Linux operating systems.
  • ClickUp: It is also a SaaS application and can be accessed via a web browser on any device.